martes, 20 de octubre de 2020

Madrid-GUG October 2020 (Online): Modernizing the Groovy build

In this talk our guest Cédric Champeau (@cedricchampeau) will talk (in English) about "Modernizing the Groovy build"

Apache Groovy™ is an old project which has a lot of history behind it. In particular it was started at an era where convention over configuration didn't exist. It was built by Ant, then an attempt to use Maven was done (and failed). It also started its own build subsystem (Gant) and eventually started using early releases of Gradle. In parallel, Gradle has evolved a lot, and provides unique features to properly model the software you're building, while aiming at excellent performance and build reproducibility. The Gradle build for Groovy didn't meet the high quality standards that we can expect from a Gradle build. In this talk we'll explore how we can make a Gradle build more idiomatic, more performant, by using the Groovy build as a concrete illustration.

About Cédric: Cédric Champeau is principal software engineer at Gradle Inc. He worked on several aspects of the build tool, in particular performance and dependency management. Cédric is a former Apache Groovy™ committer and PMC member, co-author of Groovy in Action 2.


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jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2020

Madrid-GUG September 2020 (Online): Functional Programming in Java, Groovy, and Kotlin

In this talk our guest Ken Kousen (@kenkousen) will talk (in English) about "Functional Programming in Java, Groovy, and Kotlin"

See how features of functional programming are implemented in three different JVM-based languages. Examples include how lambda expressions, method references, and streams are handled differently, as well as higher-order functions, closure composition, trampolining, currying, tail recursion, and more.

About Ken: Ken Kousen is a Java Champion, Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador, and Grails Rock Star, and the author of the books Kotlin Cookbook (O’Reilly), Modern Java Recipes (O’Reilly), Gradle Recipes for Android (O’Reilly), and Making Java Groovy (Manning). He is a regular speaker on the No Fluff, Just Stuff Tour, and teaches training classes in areas related to Java, including Spring, Hibernate/JPA, Groovy, Grails, Gradle, and Android.

Repository with code and slides:
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domingo, 14 de junio de 2020

Madrid-GUG Junio 2020 (Online): Plugin IntelliJ para Spock data tables + aprende a crear tu propio plugin

En esta charla online Alberto de Ávila (@alberto_deavila) nos hablará de un plugin para Spock e IntelliJ que ha creado:

Recientemente he creado el plugin para IntelliJ / Android Studio, Spock Data table, para mejorar el uso de las tablas de datos, que a veces se convierten en tediosas de usar a la hora de agregar/borra nuevos casos o incluso de generar una tabla con muchas variables. En esta charla mostraré las funcionalidades que he ido desarrollando y cómo podéis desarrollar vosotros mismos un plugin.





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lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

Madrid-GUG Podcast #2 (25/05/2020)

2º Podcast de Madrid-GUG. Asistentes:

Iván López (@ilopmar), Jorge Aguilera (@jagedn) y como invitado especial Andres Almiray (@aalmiray).

- Groovy 4 alpha

Podcast disponible in ivoox:

martes, 28 de abril de 2020

Madrid-GUG Abril 2020: Podcast 1

Debido al COVID-19 no nos podemos juntar para hacer meetups así que hemos decidido hacer un podcast. En esta primera edición tenemos de asistentes a:

Iván López (@ilopmar), Jorge Aguilera (@jagedn), Miguel Rueda (@MiguelRuGa), Cristian López (@crilofer) y Jose Miguel Rodríguez (@jmiguel).

- Eduardo Sánchez: JVM Tuning:

Podcast disponible in ivoox:

martes, 18 de febrero de 2020

Madrid-GUG Febrero 2020: Micronaut y Kubernetes para programadores

En esta charla Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal (@alvaro_sanchez) nos hablará de Kubernetes y Micronaut:

En esta charla veremos la integración de Micronaut con Kubernetes. Empezaremos creando una imagen Docker de una aplicación Micronaut, para luego crear deployments, services, config maps y secrets de Kubernetes para ver el funcionamiento de las capacidades de Micronaut sobre service discovery y distributed configuration. Todo se realizará mediante ejemplos, sin slides.


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