miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2021

Madrid-GUG Noviembre 2021 (Online): Micronaut + AOP: A Love Story

We have a new guest in our group. This time Micronaut Product Lead at OCI, James Kleeh (@Schlogen) will talk (in English) about Micronaut framework and AOP:

Micronaut framework uses Aspect Oriented Programming to make the lives of developers easier by allowing a simple interface to query a database, send a message with Kafka, send an HTTP request, and much more. Join me to see how AOP in Micronaut framework works, what use cases it excels at, and how you can leverage it to write custom integrations with other technologies.


Enlace al meetup: https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/madrid-gug/events/281838613/