jueves, 4 de abril de 2019

Madrid-GUG Abril 2019: DocuOps & Asciidoctor

In this talk our special guest Schalk Cronjé (@ysb33r) will talk (in English) about "DocuOps & Asciidoctor":

There has been a lot of major releases in the Asciidoctor community in 2019. I am going to take you on a journey through some of these releases and how these help you to achieve effective DocuOps pipelines. I will also explain what DocuOps is and how Asciidoctor Gradle plugin helps within this context. There will be a number of Asciidoc usage examples and even more examples on how to use Gradle to make your documentation process really awesome. If there is interest I might also talk about the journey of writing the new Asciidoctor plugins for Gradle in Groovy and the issues that were encountered along the way.



Enlace al meetup: https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/madrid-gug/events/260335320/

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