lunes, 29 de abril de 2024

From Monolith to (µ)Services. What happens with my Data?

Rewriting systems from a monolithic architecture to a services architecture is a common task nowadays to make applications more accessible to maintain, deploy, and release. This migration should not be a big-bang rewrite where you directly switch from the old application to the new one. Instead, it is an incremental process during which functionalities are extracted one at a time into separate services.

The Strangler Fig Pattern describes a method whereby a new system slowly and incrementally grows over the top of an old system. Along the way, the whole system is continuously monitored so that old parts can be removed after the new services show correct behavior. The theory is pretty clear, and in services where no persistence is needed, it's considerably easier, but things become way more complex as soon as data is involved.

Come to this session to learn how Kafka and Debezium, through Change Data Capture and the Strangler Fig pattern, can help you confidently migrate from monoliths to a (micro)services architecture, even though databases are involved.

Ponente: Alex Soto



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